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Vol 1

“She dwelt among the untrodden ways

Beside the springs of Dove,

A Maid whom there were none to praise

And very few to love:


A violet by a mossy stone

Half hidden from the eye!

—Fair as a star, when only one

Is shining in the sky.


She lived unknown, and few could know

When Lucy ceased to be;

But she is in her grave, and, oh,

The difference to me!” 

                                                                                               by William Wordsworth


As human being, our characteristics trait is to obtain recognition for the work we do. Some of us chose our profession, some are chosen and some are yet to decide. After years of being in a job, we realize one fine day, “This was not what I wanted”. And... we take the leap, the leap of faith, faith in ourselves to perform our heart out, to make the difference. It desires no recognition, no applauds and no special salutations. It indulges only in the feeling of self satisfaction, contentment and bliss. The bliss we were chasing in form of various materialistic desires.


VOICE is our leap of faith to explore the untrodden ways. Hope, it will sooth your literary senses.



Dont forget to check other pages  which contains latest circulars on Reservation, Cancellation, Ticket Checking, Luggage, Parcel, Goods and also resource materials / question  bank on LDCE. There is also a Quiz section to brush up your knowledge.

Vol 2
Vol 3
Vol 4
Vol 5
Vol 6
Vol 7
Vol 8
Vol 9
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