LDCE is the acronym for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination. Railways conduct this examination every 2 years or depending upon the vacancy, for promotion to the Group B Officer’s grade. Eligibility criteria are 5 years of continuous service in Level 6 (4200 GP) or 3 years of continuous service in Level 7 (4600 GP) for 30% quota and for 70% seniority criteria in Level 7 (4600 GP).
Recently in 2019 Railway Board has revamped the examination pattern and introduced the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) in the preliminary. Upon successful completion, top candidates in the ratio 1:5 will be called for the written examination.
MCQ pattern does give an opportunity to a lot of aspirants as most of them are akin to it. Juggling the rigors of a job with grinding study hours requires not only hard work but a smart study pattern.
Here we present 10 smart tips that every aspirant can follow to crack the jinx.
Tip no 1 Systematic planned approach
Prepare a Time Table. Break it into months, weeks, and days. In fact, every day matters. The time table should accommodate the full syllabus. Preparing the time table will give you a clear picture of how far the climb is. Few subjects will always be tough, better handle them first. Keep a fixed minimum study hour every day come rain or shine. Keep aside the last month for revision. This time table should be printed and pasted in your room. Keep a copy of it in your Google Calendar. Enter your subjects day wise and mark them complete or incomplete. In fact every day you'll get a reminder in the morning.
Tip no 2 Preparation
Stick to the syllabus. Update GK bit by bit regularly. Fundamentals should be clear and basics strong. Freight subjects occupy colossal space. So give adequate time. Your answers should be circular-oriented rather than reality-oriented. Study point wise. Prepare notes and diagrams. Colour them. Your mind should recollect bits and pieces at once, so important answers should be uniquely highlighted. Use highlighters, sketch pens, and sticky notes liberally. Pick a particular brand of a pen from the beginning. It should run fast without smudging. Use the same model while writing an exam. Few subsidiary subjects like Establishment, Rajbhasa, Accounts may be adjusted in the free time.
Tip no 3 How to study
Try to keep a separate room for study. Don't allow others to mess with your study material. Leave it as it is. Use your walls as temporary blackboards. Paste highlighted notes and diagrams with paper tape. It helps the mind to reconnect where it left. Time management is crucial. Keeping persistent perseverance with long study hours without break is compulsory. While studying core subjects be totally attentive without any distractions.
Tip no 4 Study Material
Study materials are now abundantly available online. Download them. If possible print. Have last year's question paper at your disposal. Though the pattern has changed still one gets to know what sort of questions may come. A lot is available in this website. Regularly update yourself with the Railway Board Commercial Circular section.
Tip no 5 New exam pattern
The examination pattern has changed recently. First Prelims MCQ then Mains written and finally viva voce. MCQ may be through the OMR sheet or Computer-based. Negative marking will be there. Prepare bit wise for MCQ. Underline important points with a particular highlighter. While answering if you are confused, better skip rather than make a mistake. For the written exam, there will be only one written test rather than two. So you can’t afford to miss a single question. Answering all the questions is a must.
Tip no 6 Writing
For Mains, written exam timing is very important. So writing fast is crucial. Handwriting should be legible, clear, and sharp. Its always better to practice handwriting in cursive or Lucida styles. Better everyday. Blue or black pen colour can be used. But try not to use both and Red is always a no-no. Read Railway Board guidelines available at the bottom.
Tip no 7 Self-test
Self-appraisal through mock tests. While reading underline important points. White those important points in small chits of paper. After completing a few lessons, make a lottery, pick one, and answer. Continue till all chits have exhausted. Evaluate. Be honest you’ll surely understand where you are moving. Change the Time Table accordingly.
Tip no 8 Peer Discussion
If you are in the company of any other aspirant then group study can help a lot. Exchange ideas. These can be shared through messaging apps also. Know your competitors. Analyze their instincts and positive potentials and try to inculcate them. Talk with successful officers who have cracked previously or even Group I officers. Their approach will definitely help. Next talk with the subject specialist. For example for Freight, subjects talk with CGS or for reservation talk with CRS. Their understanding of the subject will help you a lot.
Tip no 9 Be Fit physically and mentally
Moderate exercise, proper diet, and sound sleep are 3 mantras to keep your spirit and physic high. Since everyone has a job and has to invest quality time in studies these three things are essential. Avoid unnecessary socializing for the last one month. At times your job profile can make you sluggish so always try to be cheerful and motivated. Its the killer instinct and self-belief that breaks the jinx. Your mind will challenge your physic.
Tip no 10 Use of Tech
Use technology to leverage your own skills. Note keeping apps like Evernote or Google Keep helps you in jolting down points on the move. You can even write or memorize short notes. Use mobile judiciously. For the time being, quit from unnecessary Whatsapp groups or keep them in mute mode. While studying avoid mobile interference, Checking Whatsapp messages or FB updates is our die-hard habit, so while studying keep mobile in a different room. Having a PC or Laptop is always beneficial. Reading on a mobile is painful.
6 months of smart study combined with your self determination is all what you need. The world awaits to see the officer in you.
Railway Board guidelines for candidates
The candidate must read the following instructions carefully before attempting the paper. The candidates should fill the particulars in their own handwriting in the space provided and should not write these particulars anywhere else.
Don’t write your name or roll number or any other indication anywhere in the Answer Book or any loose sheet except fly leaf: otherwise, the Answer Book will not be evaluated.
Answer Book will not be taken up for evaluation if any distinguishing marks are found anywhere in the answer book.
Write on both sides on Answer Book and do not leave any pages unused except at the end of the answers.
The candidate should use either blue or black ink pen/ball pen/ sketch-pen. All the answers should be answered with the same colour of ink used for writing the fly-leaf /first page of the answer book. The candidate should not use different colours of sketch-pen such as green, red, etc. for marking of the headings and drawing of diagrams, etc.
Cross the blank pages.
Do not answer a question more than once. If any candidate has answered questions in excess of the required number of questions, the marks awarded against a requisite number of questions, the marks awarded against a requisite number of questions attempted first only will be included in Total Marks obtained & rest will be ignored.
Put the correct number of questions on the left-hand margin at the beginning of each answer.
The answers to the multiple-choice questions should invariably be answered in Capital letters only. [For example [A], [B], [C], or [D]]
The candidates are not allowed to keep mobile phones or any other documents/papers with them in the examination hall.
Disciplinary action will be initiated against candidates using unfair means. Further such candidates will also be debarred from the selection.
The quizzes in our website are major source to test and improve your knowledge. Play these regularly to practice.
Avik da many many thanks for these type of ideas. This helps a lot to every aspirants who are going to prepare for LDCE. Thank you again